Saturday, 20 February 2010

An online wiki

I have decided to choose to act as the host for my wiki page. I have been using kjots as an extended notepad application in my job as a software developer. It has proved very useful but I would like to have access to my notes from any web-enabled device and not just my desktop at the office.

I had a quick look around and it seemed my choices were:-
1) Set up a machine to act as a server and host my own wiki.
2) Put my wiki on a USB stick
3) Simply replace kjots with a wiki on my desktop at the office
4) Find an online wiki hosted by another website.

3) was immediately ruled out. 1) was too much like hard work. 2) always ran the risk of getting lost.

Hence I chose the last option. has been chosen. Let's see how it goes.

Monday, 15 February 2010

New reading material

Back to the following reading material now

1) C++ for Dummies

2) C++ Coding Standards - 101 Rules, Guidelines and Best Practices

As stated on November 18, the first is being read as its never a bad idea to go back over
the basics once in a while - you never know what you missed.

The second book is being read as it comes highly recommended by colleagues.

Completed reading Mobile Web 2.0

Finished reading the following book

"Mobile Web 2.0"

An interesting read given that it was written in 2005 and quite a bit of what they discussed has come to pass (especially around the smart phone handsets)

Thursday, 11 February 2010


Just signed up for Twitter - ostensibly to follow the GSMA OneAPI tweets

Monday, 1 February 2010

NaaS - Network as a Service

Created a new entry for an emerging concept - the Network as a Service (NaaS)- on Wikipedia.

The NaaS term has been coined by Aepona.