Tuesday, 18 May 2010

Linux kernel and Linksys USB wireless adapter

I had problems with my Linksys WUSB54GS wireless adapter when I tried to use it with Ubuntu (v9.10 Karmic Koala and v10.04 Lucid Lynx) and Fedora (Fedora Core 2 and Fedora 12).

Sometimes it would work and find my network. Other times it would not. This seemed to be related to issues with its driver (rndis).

I purchased a new TP-Link wireless adapter from e-bay. This worked straight out of the box with Ubuntu 10.04. This uses the rt73 driver (I think).

Anyway, the up-shot is I am finally certain that I have a wireless adapter I can reply on and I can recommend it - for Ubuntu 10.04 at least. I am going to re-install Fedora 12 and see what happens there.

Sunday, 16 May 2010

Ubuntu/YouTube/Firefox - "an error occurred, please try again later"

I upgraded my laptop to the latest version of Ubuntu (10.04). I noticed straight away that embedded Youtube videos where not working in Firefox. After much messing around I found the following worked.

1) Remove swfdec - a free open source replacement for Adobe Flash Player
2) Remove gnash - the GNU SWF movie player

This was on the back of advice from this post.

This resolved the issue - But i am left wondering what the impacts of removing the above packages may be?

Friday, 7 May 2010

Disabling Broadcast SSID does not work on Fedora with LinkSys WUSB54GS

I normally disable the broadcast of the SSID of my wireless betwork as set up on my LinksysWAG54GS router. Turns out that this behaviour is not supported by the driver used by my USB modem (a Linksys WUSB54GS) on Fedora.

Interestingly, some people think that using what I thought was a fairly obvious security feature is pretty pointless.

Have a look here for the fact that WUSB54GS and disabling SSID does not work on Fedora/Linux. It's in black and white under the 'What does not' work section.

As a result, consider upping your WPA password to greater than 20 characters to make it useful!

Wednesday, 5 May 2010

Windows Free

I am now Microsoft Windows free for the first time since University.
CentOS at work, Ubuntu on my laptop, Fedora at home and of course webOS on my Palm Pre.

Feels good :-)